Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Thermax Providers Aerospace Wire and Cable

Thermax specializes in high performance cables that meet specific military and aerospace qualifications. Military and aerospace wire and cable will reliably perform in the most demanding settings, from military communications systems to aircraft engine equipment. Thermax’s aerospace wire and cable products include mil w m16878 wires with extruded PTFE insulation for high temperature operation, optimal thermal stability and chemical resistance.

We also provide MIL W M81822 wire with increased cut-through and abrasion resistance MIL W M81822 wire is available in three conductor materials and a range size, diameter and resistance specifications. This wire is available with extruded PTFE insulation if high-temperature operation is required for your application.

For more information on the aerospace wire and cable products we offer, such as MIL-DTL-27500 cables and MIL-W-25038 wires, as well as multi signal composite wire.

Jumat, 17 Februari 2012

Anchor Bolts for Heavy Construction, Bridges and Dams

You must already know and familiar with the "bolt". Threaded bolt is a very powerful thing, and generally made ​​of iron or iron alloy to resist corrosion. Bolts of many kinds, there are regular bolts, bumper bolts, flange bolts, screws L (called L bolts because the bolts can only be unloaded in pairs and use the L key), machine bolts, and anchor bolt.

Strength of the bolt can be distinguished from its outer appearance. Usually bolts on the market a little gray or black bolt of this type are made of black steel material, there also we find the bolts that silvery white or chrome. However, it is rare to see a yellowish color bolt. Not that the bolt is made ​​of brass, yellow color is the result of the gilding. Bolts are made ​​of iron is the most widely encountered, the bolt is called a regular bolt, bolt the cheapest regular price of other types of bolts. Bolts usually not suitable for heavy construction as 'bolt usual' is not stainless.

For large-scale construction, such as bridges, dams, construction of a surface or solid concrete, the most suitable use of the anchor bolts. Anchor bolts are made of high quality steel or made ​​of stainless steel so durability in heavy weight-bearing is more secure, durable, and corrosion resistance that anchor bolts for longer life.

Rabu, 15 Februari 2012

Apple's success selling 55 million iPad

iPad has proven sales success. Apple's CEO, Tim Cook revealed that the numbers they achieved at the Goldman Sachs Technology and Internet Conference, Apple has been selling computer tablets are as many as 55 million units. For iPhone, to reach the required time for 3 years, is for Mac computers, much longer that 22 years.

Apple CEO Steve Jobs who replaced the deceased is said that success is due to the iPad support and content of previous products. "The reason for the success of iPad is it like to be part of a product that was released earlier, the iTunes store and iPhone," Cook said as quoted by SlashGear, Wednesday (02/15/2012).

Cook was speaking in a grand event held in San Francisco. Cook's presence here is touted as the biggest test since it replaces Jobs last year.

IPad device sales are increasing while other vendors to create more and more aggressive competitors. For those who are impatient with the presence of iPad 3, seem to have to start preparing for iPad 3 reportedly will appear in March. (dNet)

Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

Microsoft's online store burglarized Hacker

Microsoft's online store is located in India will now have to stop operating for a while due to hackers infiltrated. Perpetrators managed to take a number of important data, including username and password the user store.

To prove its success, a group of hackers who are members of Team Evil Shadow has showcased the data via a blog. There explained that Microsoft does not encrypt their online store customers.

Not yet known exactly what the motive for the perpetrators, but a group of hackers who allegedly came from China's assume that Microsoft does not protect its users well.

"The system is not safe to be 'baptized'," wrote the actor, was quoted by Reuters on Tuesday (02/14/2012).

Until now, Microsoft Online Store is located in India can not be accessed as usual, a Microsoft spokesman explained that they were doing some housekeeping.

"Microsoft is investigating this case and the customer has sent guidelines for preventive action," wrote Microsoft.

Bursa Asia Tertekan

Tokyo, Kompas.com--Saham dan kurs euro melemah pada perdagangan Selasa (14/2/2012) di pasar Asia. Kelegaan karena parlemen Yunani telah meloloskan perundangan soal pengetatan anggaran ternyata hanya dapat mengangkat indeks saham sebentar saja. Kekhawatiran baru muncul, apakah Yunani dapat memenuhi komitmennya dan menjalankan reformasi mengingat kerusuhan sosial terus bergejolak.

Lembaga pemeringkat Moody's mengingatkan investor Eropa bahwa masih banyak masalah di Eropa. Moody's juga memperingatkan kemungkinan akan menurunkan peringkat utang Perancis, Inggris, Austria, juga Italia, Portugal, Spanyol, Slovakia dan Malta.

Indeks MSCI Asia Pasifik di luar Jepang turun 0,2 persen, setelah menguat 0,8 persen ketika parlemen Yunani meloloskan RUU pengetatan anggaran. Kurs euro juga turun 0,3 persen menjadi 1,3153 per dollar AS dari kurs Senin kemarin yang berada pada posisi 1,3284 per dollar AS.

"Ketidakpastian di pasar tetap tinggi, karena banyak langkah yang harus dipastikan akan dilakukan agar tidak terjadi ancaman gagal bayar dalam waktu dekat," demikian Barclays Capital dalam catatannya.

Senin, 13 Februari 2012

Penyebab Susah Tidur

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Ketika gangguan tidur terjadi lebih dari satu bulan, ada baiknya Anda mulai memerhatikan sejumlah faktor pemicu. Berikut adalah beberapa hal yang mungkin saja menyebabkan Anda menjadi 'manusia kelelawar'.

Dalam satu studi terungkap bahwa dari sekitar 15 persen orang yang menderita penyakit kronis, setidaknya dua per tiga dari mereka dilaporkan mengalami kesulitan tidur. Sakit punggung, sakit kepala, dan masalah pada persendian menjadi penyebab utama sulit tidur.

Stres dan masalah mental
Insomnia adalah paduan dari gejala dan akibat dari depresi dan kegelisahan. Karena otak menggunakan 'sinyal' serupa untuk mengatur jadwal tidur dan emosi, sangat sulit untuk menentukan mana yang harus dimunculkan lebih dulu. Situasi atau kejadian yang membuat stres, seperti masalah uang atau perkawinan, sangat ampuh untuk memicu insomnia. Bahkan, bisa jadi masalah ini akan berkepanjangan.

Dalam sejumlah kasus, mengorok merupakan gejala dari sleep apnea, kelainan yang dikaitkan dengan penyakit jantung, tekanan darah tinggi, dan stroke.

Jet lag
Melintasi zona waktu bisa mengacaukan jam biologis ini. Jam inilah yang memerintahkan otak Anda tidur ketika gelap dan terbangun saat terang. Tubuh Anda baru dapat menyesuaikan dengan satu perubahan dalam tiga hari. Bila Anda kerap melintasi berbagai zona waktu, jet lag dapat menyebabkan masalah tidur.

Perubahan jam kerja
Jam kerja yang berlawanan dengan jam tidur normal. Orang yang kerap berpindah jam kerja mengalami penurunan level serotonin, hormon dan saraf pengirim yang terdapat dalam sistem saraf pusat yang membantu mengatur tidur.

Perubahan hormon
Menstruasi, menopause, dan kehamilan merupakan sumber utama masalah tidur pada perempuan. Ruam panas, masalah payudara, atau sering buang air kecil juga mengganggu pola tidur teratur. Menurut sebuah lembaga yang menangani masalah tidur, sekitar 40 persen yang mengalami masa transisi menjelang menopause kerap mengalami masalah tidur.

Masalah kesehatan
Kesulitan tidur juga dapat terkait dengan kondisi medis. Dengan penyakit paru-paru atau asma, misalnya, sesak napas dan bersin tentu saja bisa mengganggu tidur. Apalagi, bila ini terjadi saat dini hari. Bila Anda mengalami penyakit jantung, bisa saja Anda punya pola bernapas yang tidak normal. Parkinson dan penyakit saraf lain juga mencuatkan insomnia sebagai efek samping.

Obat yang bebas atau dengan resep dokter, bisa mengganggu pola tidur. Terlebih bila Anda mengonsumsinya menjelang waktu tidur atau dosisnya berlebihan.

dan yang terakhir dan menjadi penyebab utama Anda susah tidur adalah karena "BANYAK HUTANG" hehehe

U.S. Air Force plans to buy 18 thousand iPad

Washington, USA-- United States Air Force plans to buy 18 thousand units of the Apple iPad tablet computer. Its function is to replace manual paper and carried by the pilot.

U.S. Air Force has registered the name iPad in the U.S. government's procurement website. But they are still considering similar products like the BlackBerry Playbook and Samsung Galaxy Tablet.

But the iPad does become the strongest candidate. If the U.S. Air Force iPad so buy in bulk, then Apple will benefit from the plan related to penetrate the government sector after a fairly successful in consumer and business sectors.

Order as many as 18 thousand units of tablet computers are the largest by the military. "This purchase is potentially the biggest government orders to a tablet computer," written in Netgov website.

As quoted from PCMag, Monday (2/13/2012), iPad actually been used by the U.S. military. Soldiers in Afghanistan have used years ago to assist them in mapping the position of the enemy.

Anniversary of the Revolution, Iran Block Facebook, Gmail

In commemoration of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, Iran blocked a number of sites. The Iranian government tightened control internet access and ensure its citizens can not access popular websites.

Local media launch, some 30 million Iranians report can not access Facebook, Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail and a series of other sites. Quoted from Hacker News, on Monday (2/13/2012), blocking what Iran since last Thursday.

Although no official statement from the government, Iranian media strongly suspect this was done to prevent the outbreak of protests from the opposition.

Until now, Iranians generally use a kind of 'street rat' to get away from government censorship. But now, many internet users reported Iran, such a program was no longer allows access to sites such as Facebook.

Iran did show ambition to take complete control over access to information for citizens. When this country was led by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was keen to examine domestic internet. Network that is claimed to 'halal', the Iranians will be limiting the penetration of foreign sites, including Facebook and Twitter.

Iranian authorities even require internet cafe owners there to gather information of their clients. If they refuse, internet cafe business was going to be stopped.